Early Intervention is a system of services for infants and toddlers (up to 36 months of age) who are at risk of a developmental delay. In California, also referred to as “Early Start”.
Early Intervention Services are based on the needs of the child and have a wide scope of options that address all the needs of the child per this graphic.

At Love 2 Learn our Early Intervention multidisciplinary team of professionals provides:
Family Training
Behavior Analysis
Speech and Language Services
Occupational Therapy
Parents have rights and access to procedural safeguards which assure that Early Intervention services are provided in a manner appropriate to the child, that also addresses family concerns.
Procedural safeguards include: confidentiality, access to records, evaluation and assessment, individual family service plans (IFSP), and periodic and annual individual family service plan review. For more information please see The Parents’ Rights Booklet.
There is no cost to families to determine if children are eligible for Early Interventions Services. All children experiencing developmental delays that live in the U.S. are entitled to free early intervention services through age 3. The Federal Government provides funding to offset these costs. The U.S. Congress mandated an Early Intervention Program (EIP) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 1986 to support children’s development with funding for all 50 states.
Take a look at this great video that was created by Westside Regional Center Video Resource:
Welcome to the Early Intervention Program (Early Start)
Love 2 Learn partners with families, schools and primary care physicians by:
1. Co-treating -we are able to attend school meetings, classes and specialist appointments.
2. We refer clients to schools and specialists when appropriate and vice versa.
3. We provide Trainings, Informational Workshops and Screenings for other professionals as we have been doing this work for quite some time and are happy to share to better collaborate for our clients.
If Love 2 Learn can be of service to you, your family, or clients please contact us at info@Love2Learnconsulting.com.