Early Intervention
A quality Early Intervention program changes the trajectory of young children’s lives. Significant research and funding validates how essential Early Intervention is to the success of children exhibiting developmental delays. There are many different reasons why a child may be experiencing delays in development. Our multidisciplinary team looks at the whole child to ensure treatment success.
Early Intervention starts with a Developmental Evaluation for children between the ages of 0-3. Our Behavior Analysts, Speech Pathologists, and Occupational Therapists observe, listen, and document family concerns while also evaluating the learner. Assessments lead to a full report within that same week which provides families and funding sources the data that explains how the child is developing in comparison to other children the same age.
As the CDC explains, “Early Intervention can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills and increase their success in school and life.” In California these services are provided for free for any child who meets the state’s criteria.
In order to qualify for Regional Center funding, a child must show a “significant difference” (i.e., a 33% delay or higher) in one or more of the following developmental areas: cognitive development, physical/motor development, language development (expressive or receptive), social-emotional development, or adaptive development.
Developmental Milestones
Concerned and want to do more research? We are here to help!
This Developmental Checklist from the CDC offers a tool that can be used for children from 2 months up to 5 years of age. This a great place to start but is not a substitute for a standardized test.
Common Misconceptions
A common misconception about Early Intervention is that a child may have a serious issue if they qualify for Early Start. This is not true. A delay in one or more of these areas is not cause for major concern. That alone is not going to qualify to determine a diagnosis, but rather a signal to take a closer look.