Orange County-based organization awarded $226,000 grant to launch recreation programs for youth up to 21 years of age.

Love 2 Learn uses federal funds to create a new nonprofit offering social and recreational programs for youngsters with and without disabilities.
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. – April 17, 2023 – Love 2 Learn Consulting LLC, an award-winning provider of early intervention services and applied behavior analysis, has created a nonprofit arm offering recreational and educational programs that foster friendships among children and adolescents with and without disabilities. The new community-based organization, Orange County Recreation and Education Collective (OCREC) is supported by a $226,000 grant funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Love 2 Learn was awarded the competitive grant by the California Department of Developmental Services, the state agency responsible for distributing the federal grant dollars allocated to California. The funding supports integrated and inclusive social and recreational programs for children and adolescents with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The first slate of spring and summer programs are free to all participants.
“We all benefit from inclusive, welcoming community spaces that value people as individuals, celebrate their strengths, and foster acceptance and belonging among diverse groups,” said Renee Suss Keisman, CEO of Love 2 Learn and founder of OCREC. “The right learning environment allows us all to shine.”
OCREC is offering a series of spring and summer programs for youngsters ages 2 to 21. Aimed at bringing individuals together over their shared interests, OCREC’s “OC Clubs” and “Destination Exploration” programs invite children to learn and play while enjoying activities all kids love. Clubs alternate based on interests. We are starting with Cooking Around the World, Art Around the World, music in nature, and playground explorations.

“All children want to feel safe, have fun, make friends, and be accepted. As parents, we all want our children to learn and thrive in a healthy and nurturing environment,” Keisman said. “OCREC has created a rich environment that welcomes a diverse range of youngsters. Our programs offer them opportunities to celebrate individual strengths, enjoy learning by pursuing their interests, and become well-rounded and confident people.”
OCREC is also offering “Empowering Friendtorship,” a guided program that fosters a mentor and a friend growing together. “Friendtorship” is a cross between friendship and mentorship, Keisman said. “We learn from each other. This is an ideal program for children who want to increase their self-confidence, develop mentoring and leadership skills and experience the joy of raising another’s sense of self.”
Two additional OCREC programs equip individuals with more tools to navigate daily life. The tutoring program ensures students complete their homework accurately and learn techniques that make assignments fun and easy. Both in-person and virtual options are available. The workforce readiness program helps individuals develop resume-building and workplace etiquette skills leading to job placement, volunteering, or other opportunities in a professional setting.
OCREC also offers workshops to help the parents in our coaching program that allows parents to learn about wellness, play and education. OCREC’s community support program teaches those who work with children about resources for youngsters with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including California’s network of regional centers and social, recreational and educational programs such as those offered by OCREC.
Love 2 Lean is a trusted service provider with more than 15 years of experience helping children and their families. The grant paves the way for Love 2 Learn to jumpstart OCREC and build it into a self-sustaining nonprofit community-based organization.
“We are excited and proud to offer fun, collaborative activities that unite the community,” said Destini Kulik, COO of Love 2 Learn and founding board of OCREC.